OHF Approves U10-U19 Spring Evaluations for AAA, AA and A, News (Greater London Hockey Association)


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Jan 27, 2023 | OHF | 429 views
OHF Approves U10-U19 Spring Evaluations for AAA, AA and A
The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) has principally approved Under-10 to Under-18 player evaluations for the 2023-24 season to be conducted during the spring. Associated Regulations will be amended/adopted by the OHF during its Semi-Annual meeting of the Members (February 25). Those Regulations will align with the below requirements.

Lastly, we wish to express our gratitude to the members of Hockey Canada and the Hockey Canada Board of Directors for their support and understanding in allowing the OHF to implement spring evaluations while maintaining the core philosophies of the player pathways.

View the complete bulletin including associated calendars by clicking here.