Registration fees for 2023-2024 Season, News (Greater London Hockey Association)


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Apr 26, 2023 | webmaster | 1156 views
Registration fees for 2023-2024 Season
GLHA Members,   Every year the GLHA and its member partners meet to deliver competitive pricing for the upcoming season. We work hard to ensure that our pricing stays low as possible for all members - by keeping registration costs low, it encourages families and players to be active and play a sport we all love. We want to thank all members for their patience over the past few seasons.

The Mustangs will continue to run their own registration system. Tryouts must be paid for through the Mustangs, and then once teams are completed, registration with the Mustangs will take place for the players selected.

House League balancing and MD tryouts for all age groups will take place in the Fall - details to follow on dates and times in August. 

We are always looking for Coaches and volunteers, please visit the alliance link for details on what certification is required for the upcoming season. 

Registration will be open as of May 15th 2023 this season, please check with your local associations for details on registering.

Enclosed are our pricing charts for our programs.