Community Hockey League
2022-2023 Hockey Season
The name of the organization shall be the Community Hockey League, herein after referred to as the CHL, operated under the jurisdiction of the Greater London Hockey Association herein after referred to as the GLHA.
To provide member associations of the CHL with the opportunities to accomplish their aims and objectives by:
Ø Promoting and facilitating safe and fun hockey within the member associations for every child that participates.
Ø Planning appropriate schedules to meet the needs of the member associations.
Ø Promoting and publicizing minor hockey in the community.
Ø Encouraging the most efficient use of existing ice facilities.
Ø Ensuring the operation of viable house league programs throughout the membership.
Section 1
Membership in the CHL shall be open to minor hockey associations that hold current affiliations to the GLHA. The current members are:
Ø London Bandits Hockey Association
Ø North London Sports Association
Ø Oakridge Aeros Hockey Association
Ø West London Minor Hockey Association
Section 2
Associate members may be added by a 3/4 majority of the Board of Directors of the CHL and the approval of the GLHA. An associate member may be any association not affiliated with the GLHA.
Section 3
The CHL shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of two representatives of each member association in good standing; the representatives are to be appointed annually by the member associations. Additionally there will be a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Past Chairperson, Secretary and League Commissioner.
Section 4
Each member association’s representatives will have full voting privileges in the CHL. Voting privileges shall also be extended to the Chairperson.
Associate members will be granted voting privileges as determined by the Board of Directors of the CHL.
Section 5
The Board of Directors shall elect the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, League Commissioner and Secretary on an annual basis at the regularly scheduled May meeting. Nominees for these positions must come first from the Board of Directors. Should the board fail to put forth a nominee from within the board, then the board may nominate persons from outside the board. If a board member is elected, his or her home association may select another association representative to replace him or her. In the event that an association is not represented at a board meeting, an elected Board of Director who is a member of said association may represent that association’s interests at the Board meeting.
Quorum of the Board of Directors of the CHL
The quorum for a meeting shall consist of at least 2/3 of the directors.
Duties of the Officers
Section 1
Ø Shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, shall act as Chairperson with the usual privileges of the office and shall attend all meetings of the GLHA.
Ø Shall be the liaison between the CHL and the City of London Parks and Recreation Department
Ø Shall represent the CHL at meetings of the GLHA and other relevant association meetings as required.
Ø Shall prepare operating budget and submit to The GLHA.
Section 2
Vice Chairperson/Past Chair
Ø Shall carry the Chairperson vote when sitting as the Chairperson.
Ø Shall chair the meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
Ø Shall attend meetings with the Chairperson or in his or her absence and assume other responsibilities as deemed necessary by the Chairperson.
Section 3
Ø Shall keep and record the minutes of all board meetings.
Ø Shall attend to all correspondence of the Board as required.
Section 4
GLHA Treasurer
Ø Refer to GLHA
Section 5
League Commissioner
Ø Shall handle all CHL complaints regarding player or team officials.
Ø Shall call and chair a hearing when required.
Ø Shall arrange to have the game sheets picked up on a weekly basis.
Ø Shall review game sheets on a weekly basis.
Ø Shall maintain records of major penalties, misconduct penalties as per the Hockey Canada, Ontario Hockey Federation rules and Community Hockey League rules.
Ø Shall report all major penalties / suspensions to the Alliance office per Hockey Canada requirements
Ø Shall assess suspensions for major penalties and misconduct penalties as per the HC, OHF rules and CHL rules.
Ø Shall communicate suspensions to the appropriate member association’s officials.
Ø Shall investigate and make recommendations to the Board on any games subject to possible forfeiture or default as according to the playing rules of the CHL.
Section 6
Association Representative
Ø Shall attend all meetings of the CHL. If a representative cannot attend, he must arrange for an alternative representative from his or her home association. Failure for an association to have representation at a scheduled meeting will result in:
Ø 1st occurrence, association to be fined $100.00 and be reported to the GLHA
Ø 2nd occurrence, association to be fined $300.00 and be reported to the GLHA
Ø 3rd occurrence, lose all voting privileges until the GLHA decide what further sanctions will be imposed on the association
Ø Fines will be assessed to appropriate membership association.
Ø Shall participate in all discussions, activities, and decisions of the CHL Board of Directors.
Ø Shall communicate CHL decisions to their home associations and shall provide information as requested by the CHL (e.g. Team rosters, A.P. list and game sheets).
Ø Shall participate in the creation of schedules for both the regular season and playoff’s. Ø Shall sit on disciplinary committee hearings as required.
Section 7
Disciplinary Committee
The disciplinary committee will consist of the League Commissioner and a CHL representative (or designate) from any of the non-involved associations.
Section 1
The CHL shall be self-supporting based upon the fee assessments to the member associations as established from time to time by the Board of Directors. Each association shall pay the assessment to the GLHA based on amount of teams.
Section 2
The Board of Directors shall recommend changes to assessment for any variances to the CHL operating budget which may arise
Section 3
The Board of Directors shall approve an operating budget prepared by the Chair annually and submitted to the GLHA.
Ø The annual wrap up meeting of the CHL shall be held in April of each year at which time the representatives as appointed by their associations shall transact such business as is appropriate.
Ø The Board of Directors shall meet at least once during the months of September to May and at other times as determined by the Chairperson.
Ø The Board of Directors shall meet within two (2) weeks when three (3) Associations request a meeting in writing.
Rules and Amendments
Section 1
Amendments to the CHL Playing Rules may be made at any meeting of the CHL Board of Directors.
Section 2
Amendments made at any meeting of the Board of Directors require a majority of all eligible voting Associations who are present.
Section 3
The operations committee of the GLHA must ratify all amendments