With the start of the ice season around the corner I wanted to send a few reminders out and ask that you pass these along to all of your coaches and convenors.
I think it also a good time to remind coaches, players, parents and spectators that all City of London arenas are Rzone facilities and as such it is the City of London’s expectation that everyone who enters our facilities will treat it with respect and act appropriately while in the facility. If they do not exhibit appropriate behaviour they will be asked to leave the arena. An Rzone report will then be completed and they could be banned from the arena for a specific period of time. I have attached a one pager on the Rzone policy that can be passed to all parents.
Here are a few other important reminders:
- Practices running 1 ½ hours do not require a flood as long as time is provided for a flood at the end. Teams damaging ice as a result of these longer practices will be required to have a flood after 50 minutes. This will be at the discretion of the Arena Operator.
- NO running through the building to warm up. This not only becomes a distraction for other groups, it is also a safety concern. You may only use your dressing room or park areas for stretching and warm ups.
- Chewing tobacco and sunflower seeds are NOT permitted in the building.
- If teams are playing music prior or after the game, the City of London would like to remind you that extension cords are not permitted to be used in dressing rooms. The risk of electrocution is higher due to wet floors, the possibility of being stepped on by skates and therefore are not permitted in the dressing rooms. We would also like to remind you to be respectful of the others in the Arena and to play music that does not contain offensive or inappropriate language. We also ask that you keep the music at an appropriate volume.
- Sticks (including mini sticks), ALL types of balls, pucks, etc. are to be used ONLY on ice surfaces. These items are not to be used at sides of rink, lobbies OR dressing rooms. RATIONALE: To avoid injuries to patrons when hit by or stepping on these objects. To avoid fire alarm activation due to fire safety equipment/sprinkler systems being struck by these objects. To avoid damage to the facility. To avoid disruption to hockey games when these objects go onto the ice surface.
- If the pad is EMPTY upon your arrival, DO NOT assume this is an early invitation to begin your practice or game early. Ask the operator if you can go on early.
- When the Zamboni gates are OPEN, KEEP THE PLAYERS GATE CLOSED. No one (and no objects) are to be on the ice. This ensures YOUR safety. Our Operators cannot maintain the ice with objects in the way (pucks, pylons, etc.) Players and coaches MUST wait until the gates CLOSE before entering the ice. It is also important that coaches and players exit the ice as quickly as possible when there ice time is over. It would be advised that pucks and pylons start to be picked up about 1 to 2 minutes prior to the end of your ice time.
- In the event of a flood conflict (when a flood is needed on both pads at approximately the same time and an association has both pads booked), games will take priority. Our staff will notify you if this conflict exists. Usually this results in a flood midway through a practice.
If a coach or convenor is having an issue with arena staff or have any questions we ask that they contact there ice convenor directly and the question or concern can then be passed directly onto the Arena Supervisor.
I want to wish everyone a safe and successful 2022-2023 season.

Mike Vandertuin
Manager - Sport Services and Development
Neighbourhood and Community-Wide Services
City of London