Saturday Oct 24 2020, News (Greater London Hockey Association)


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Oct 24, 2020 | Webmaster | 1131 views
Saturday Oct 24 2020
As of 12:01 The MLHU has established Order 22 for Minor Hockey in our city of London.  
The local Minor Hockey Presidents and many member partners in the city had the ability to meet with Dr. Chris Mackie regarding the MLHU Order 22 over the last two days. Our GLHA RTP framework was shared with the city to establish that we had made many provisions and indeed were following the provincial protocols in place for Stage 3. 

The same protocols that our teams have been using will continue and the same team/cohorts can stay intact.  There are some changes and everyone involved needs to be aware of these changes that come into effect today Saturday October 24 at 12:01 a.m. 

  1. The maximum permitted on an arena ice pad is 25 people and that includes coaches/instructors and officials.  When there are more than 12 total on the ice at once they must be split into 2 groups no larger than 12 including coaches at each end zone and the groups must be separated from each other by a 3m buffer.
  2. Coaches must now wear masks at all times in the arena (this also include ice surfaces as well) - this is non negotiable and must be followed. 
  3. All players must wear their helmets from the dressing room to the ice surface and not remove them till they get to the dressing room. Removing helmets require them to immediately put a mask on. 
  4. 4 v4 Scrimmages will be able to occur in all age groups. 
  5. NO Body contact between players during play
  6. When players are not participating on the ice they must be separated by 2 meters on the benches. The city is working here to highlight the spaces on the benches. The recommendation is to use the penalty boxes to establish social distancing. 

The City will continue to allow one parent/ guardian per player to stay and spectate. Please respect and maintain the 2 meter distance rule. If this is not adhered to the City will not hesitate to remove the parents from the arenas so that the players are still able to participate. 

Parents and coaches are to remember to always use the Javelin App for screening prior to arriving at the arena. Parents entering the rink are to complete the City Waiver. 

All other City of London arena protocols such as arriving 15 minutes prior to ice time, health screening prior to entering, hand sanitize when entering, players waiting in rooms until the ice is ready and wearing a mask while in the arena remain in place. Please review the City Guidelines if you are unsure. 

NOTE:  MLHU and GLHA will be inspecting arenas for non-compliance.  There will be significant fines for non compliance.  These fines are a LARGE sum of money  5000.00 per infraction and we do not want to have to shut down minor hockey this season due to incurring fines from infractions.
We appreciate the effort and cooperation of all our Convenors, Coaches, Board members and players and parents. The MLHU has given us the opportunity to continue to have hockey based on our Return to play but we need to respect their original concerns and continue to be diligent  by adhering to all related protocols and guidelines. 

We can all ensure that our Phase 1 of this season goes smoothly by working together like all great teams do! Let's do our part and ensure social distancing is occurring inside and outside of the rink!